Edits, Adds, and Revisions (and the cover)

June 27, 2016

The link to The Complete Canadian Book Editor — Leslie Vermeer at Brush Publishing

I’m so pleased to report that my book has just reached two big milestones.

First, the edit is finished. In late May I responded to the copyedit and numerous queries. I also wrote a large amount of new material. The weeks since then have involved signing off the copyedit and reviewing the large number of figures and illustrations created to support the written text. As of now, that process is complete, and the book will move into layout in a few days. The next time I see it, the book will be in proof pages (at least, it will be for me, because I can’t proofread effectively on screen).

Second, the publisher has released the working cover image. And so, the cover reveal. Squeeeee!
